Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Germany 2016 - Gregorian - Masters Of Chant

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for our annual adventure whereby men in long frocks or spiritual garb sing religious style songs in the hope that the lord's word will take them through to the final, but who are ultimately doomed to failure. Although last year it was nuns. Funny nuns, at that.

This lot are more of a commercial affair, though, and to my knowledge don't have anyone especially monkly in their ranks. They also seem to go about their business like a hip hop crew, constantly singing about themselves as the Masters Of Chant in practically every song they do. I've not heard them diss anyone else's posse yet, but surely it's only a matter of time.

More interestingly still, there's bloody loads of them - although like Goldie Lookin' Chain they tend to trim down to an eight-piece line up for shows. This, of course, will present problems for the German national final where they'll have to drop two unlucky members for the show. How are they going to decide to gets sidelined? My bet is on either a knife fight or a dance off. I'll bet there's all sorts of badness hidden beneath their cassocks.


  1. Oh wow, I remember them from my CD-store salesperson days! They've been huge for the past 20 years or so. I wouldn't be surprised if they win the national final and do quite well on the night. And do it with an impressive show. I find it slightly cheesy and would much prefer a proper song to win, though...

  2. Oh wow, I remember them from my CD-store salesperson days! They've been huge for the past 20 years or so. I wouldn't be surprised if they win the national final and do quite well on the night. And do it with an impressive show. I find it slightly cheesy and would much prefer a proper song to win, though...

  3. I reckon that the six left standing after hitting themselves with a plank of wood should be left on stage :)
