When we had our first cursory skim through the songs for EMA we quickly dismissed this one as the kind of arch wackiness that usually makes our skin crawl. But friends of the site assured us "No, you wait!" And we must confess that seeing these lads looking like proper metallists in the intro clip did pique our interest a tad more than we were expecting. I mean heck, we thought it was going to be a bunch of ironic muso lads in carnified stripy trews and wescots, but this lot look like they knew their wonky prog metal. heck, one of them was even wearing an Igorrr shirt! (Go look 'em up if your ears can take it!) This might actually be more interesting than we first imagined!
And what we got was truly odd if you're well versed in things prog-metallic. Half the band were stripped to the waist in proper black metal stances, offering us mere glimpses of the noodly tech metal they usually play, while the other half delivered a plinky-plonky sideshow waltz. It was a highly strange mash up of genres and cultures - so bewildering in fact that you almost forgot about the little baldie gremlin prowling about in front of the camera giving it the creepy faces.
I'd have loved to have been a fly on the wall during the writing session where someone in the band - probably the keyboard player - said "I'll tell you what, it'd be funny if we had a stab at the Eurovision with this one!" "Noooooo!" said most of the rest. "It'll ruin our cool kids of progressive image if we do that!" "But wait!" said the singer, "I've got a plan!"
And even more strangely it did alright on the night. It was clearly never going beat local telly god Klemen or this week's girl in her pants waving her hair about, but it finished a respectable sixth from twelve. Let's just hope all the cool music snobs in the local prog noodle scene see it for the spot of fun it was…