Friday 27 January 2017

United Kingdom 2017 - Salena Mastroianni - I Don't Wanna Fight

You're in your national final. You're among the favourites in all the fan polls, and you've been given the pimp slot at the end of the night. Most of the other acts have been struggling with their vocals, and you've just been bigged up for all the big events that you've been singing at lately. Heck, they've even given you a load of dancers, and you're the only song that's had anything like a pulse for what seems like an hour.

The contest is effectively yours to win if you pump out a strong vocal performance. Right then, you're on...



  1. Couldn't have said it better myself. Generally their performances were sub-par. And our household loved all of the songs on various levels! Lucie's song was my least favorite but she actually ended being the most reliable of them all... Let's see what happens now...

  2. I saw comments from people convinced that this would win, as if somehow performing last would guarantee it a win, regardless of the vocal quality.

    What an odd national final. It was very... Moldovan.

  3. I was there downstairs and this sounded alright there but seeing it back...

    Danyl was another that had a semi-intricate dance routine but was also blooming awful on tv...

    Lucie was the only choice - sounded great there and on tv.
