Yeah, that's what we thought. But is this rumour one worth pursuing? To be completely frank, we're not sure. True, Alex Kapranos has expressed interest in the contest in the past - but that was more aimed at sending something folky-stompy in for Greece, his ancestral homeland. But it's also very true that they have a new album out this week, with the song most folks are citing as the special one fitting very nicely into the 2020s Eurovision soundsphere. It's three minutes long, has that quirky-jerky post-Roop thing going on, and gets your head nodding at first listen. Surely not?
We suspect that this is either the product of someone joining a few genuine clues together and coming up with completely the wrong answer, or some mischief on the part of the band's supporters to help the album get a few more listens. But it's still interesting that an act of FF's stature is even getting mentioned in despatches in this way. Although do we really want a couple of fifty-plus-year-olds stomping creakily about on the Eurovision stage? Aren't we in enough trouble just lately?
If pressed on the matter we'd suspect that this whole tale is just a bit of wide-eyed wishful thinking. But if further asked whether we'd actually want this as our entry - well, to be honest, we really wouldn't complain that much…