Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Moldova 2020 - Dianna Rotaru - Dale Dale

One of the absolute pleasures of this time of year it not just when the Moldovan hopefuls get announced - which is a splendid joy all its own - but when clips of them performing their tunes on cosy daytime TV shows begin to emerge. Our Sasha is a past master at these skincrawlingly odd television moments, but our Dianna here seems to have taken awkward to a whole new level.

Appearing on a pre-Christmas episode of Vorbe Bune, the singer puts in something of a post-watershed performance, thrusting and twerking as she mimes her admittedly somewhat contendery Fuego-lite concoction, while our everywomen host Lilu dances awkwardly on the sofa, sometimes looking visibly perplexed at some of the sexual gyrating happening before her.

And it gets even better when Ms Rotaru misses her cue on a couple of occasions, pre-empting the vocals on the track - although to her credit she handles it like a true pro, ignoring the fact it even happened. Pure car crash TV, I could watch this over and over again!

Ooh, and another thing - what the heck is that massive Santa Gonk on stilts thing that separates the two ladies on that garish festive set? It's flipping terrifying!

1 comment:

  1. All going well, she'll get an invitation to the Madrid pre-party. Also, I cannot stop looking at the Santa Gonk!
