Friday, 21 October 2011

Switzerland 2012 - Same Difference - Music

Ever wonder what happened to the slightly cloying Portsmouth brother and sister act Same Difference? You know, the ones who did better than anyone imagined and ended up as a High School Musical trib act for a bit…

Well they've got a song in the longlist for the Swiss Eurovision selection process. Showbiz, eh!

See their hastily cobbled together video - and maybe even vote for them - here…

Videos from YouTube. Underlying © lays with the owners of the clips.


  1. Will I be banned from reading the blog for actually liking this? Yeah, it's a bit of a throw-back to the early noughties and to everything we make fun of in the UK pop music scene, but it's fun!

  2. There's no shame in liking pop, Ido!
