Monday, 3 March 2025

Croatia 2025 - Marko Bošnjak - Poison Cake


So there were we watching Croatia's Dora - the contest that finds their Eurovision entry - and there was one song that we decided was ripe for Apocalypsification. Dark and grim in places? Check! Sounds like the final project from a music technology course? Check! Mildly incomprehensible? Check Check Check!

And as there was seemingly no chance of actually winning the thing, we began to mentally draft our review. After all, this seemingly inexperienced young lad was up again Magazin - the biggest Croatian band there's ever been - and a whole batch of popular local professional acts across a whole range of styles. But somehow, and we're still not entirely sure how it happened, Poison Cake only went and beat the lot of them!

You could tell how surprised Marko himself was, by his shocked sweary mouthings throughout the scoring, and his stunned confusion when the result was finally called. Almost as confused as the massed ranks of EuroTwitter who were calling for "Anything but Poison Cake!" Whether this is a second-guessing hangover after Croatia's success with Baby Lasagna last year, or this thing is somehow better than we first thought, we don't know. But it's a rare event when something we thought was doomed to Apocalypse ignominy ends up as eventual victor, and we're not quite sure how to deal with that!