Monday 30 January 2017

Romania 2017 - Ilinca & Alex Florea - Yodel It!

As much as I love Romania in this contest, they've always been a bit serious - Cezar aside. Which is why this little gem is such a delight.

A contemporary pop tune with fantastic, epic, escalating chords, that's entirely about yodelling? Yes please! It's got some joyous rap builds, some cool and sassy lady singing, and then a whole loads of yodelling in the middle. It's the kind of thing that this contest has been lacking in the grumpy old 2010s, and I for one applaud it's doubtlessly ultimately fruitless efforts.

Can't wait to see them do it live, either!

****STOP PRESS****

Now with added live video - and it's flipping brilliant! Busting with charm and grace and loads and loads of fun! Oh come on Romania, do the right thing!


  1. The only person who can yodel in popular music is Frank Ifield - period...

  2. I like this song so much πŸ’œ yodel it!

  3. I like this song so much πŸ’œ yodel it!
