Sunday 22 January 2017

Lithuania 2017 - Vidas Bareikis & Ieva ZasimauskaitÄ— - I Love My Phone

Every year, these early stages throw up a handful of weather vane songs - ones that you start out absolutely hating, but which, by their end, have won you over to such an extend that you're bouncing on the sofa applauding their moxy. I Love My Phone is the first of this year's examples.

And seriously, there's so much to hate. An arch, knowing, post-modern lyric, wacky outfits and even sillier dance moves, but despite all that it somehow wormed its way under our skin to the extent that we were delighted when we discovered that it had made the next stages of this marathon contest.

There's just something about that wry, slightly left-handed Lithuanian sense of humour that elevates their, how shall we say this delicately, more creative songs above the realms of "I'm mad me, watch me gurn" into often bright and clever observations of the contemporary world. And this one, just about manages that.

It was still a bit gleefully cringeworthy at the end though, when poor Vidas yelled "Come on everybody, raise your phones up!" and not one single human in the crowd did. You might have to work on that bit for the final, mate...

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